Youth Group

Speaking to Teenagers
A must have book for anyone preaching God’s word to young people
Three Christmas games for your youth group
Finish the year with some festive fun!
10 Fun youth group activities
Activities to grow your faith and friendships.
What teenagers want…
Every teenager has two great desires.
Scripture teaching - is it the world’s hardest job?
Advice for scripture teachers on how to run classes, discipline well, and stay sane
The cool game
Try too hard to be cool, and you risk losing everything
Youth ministry: looking after families
Part 3 of 'How to start a youth ministry from scratch'.
Youth Ministry - Creating Your Vision
Casting vision is an important aspect of leading a youth ministry.
Youth groups in your home
The importance of small Bible study groups, in part 6 of 'How to start a youth ministry from scratch'.
Youth groups are for believers and non-believers
Part 4 of 'How to start a youth ministry from scratch'.
What’s the secret to running a great youth ministry?
Mitch Miller says the secret lies in remembering who you're serving.
What makes a young dude stress out?
A guide to they key stressful events in a young person's life